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      Battery / Run Time (Up To)

        Products: Full Catalog

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        Image Description ///Mfr Part # Stock Price Add
        Zebra Zebra Technologies - Zebra
        General Purpose Kit - handheld battery - lithium ion - 4150 mAh - for Zebra TC51, TC52, TC52x, TC56
        KIT-TC5X-CONBNDL-02 0 $57.00
        Zebra Zebra Technologies - Zebra
        Handheld battery (standard) - PowerPrecision - lithium ion - 3800 mAh - for Zebra TC22, TC27
        BTRY-TC2L-2XMAXX-01 79 $69.00
        Zebra Zebra Technologies - Zebra
        Handheld battery (standard) - PowerPrecision Plus, without Device Tracker - lithium ion - 4400 mAh (pack of 10) - for Zebra TC53, TC58
        BTRY-NGTC5TC7-44MA-10 79 $911.00
        Zebra Zebra Technologies - Zebra
        Handheld battery - lithium ion - 7000 mAh (pack of 10) - for Zebra MC9400
        BTRY-MC94-BLE-10 7 $1,271.00
        Zebra Zebra Technologies - Zebra
        Handheld battery - standard, power precision - lithium ion - 3800 mAh
        BTRY-TC2L-2XMAXB-01 50 $90.00
        Zebra PowerPrecision Zebra Technologies - Zebra PowerPrecision
        Handheld battery (standard) - lithium ion - 3800 mAh - for Zebra TC22, TC27
        BTRY-TC2L-3XMAXX-01 1950 $99.00
        Zebra Zebra Technologies - Zebra
        Handheld battery (standard) - with PowerPrecision Plus and BLE beacon - 7000 mAh - for Zebra MC9400; 9000 Series MC9400; MC9000 Series MC9400
        BTRY-MC94-BLE-01 21 $138.00
        Zebra Zebra Technologies - Zebra
        Handheld battery - with PowerPrecision Plus - 4300 mAh
        BTRY-TC5X-PYMT-01 60 $79.00
        Zebra Zebra Technologies - Zebra
        Non-incendive - handheld battery - lithium ion - 5200 mAh - for Omnii XT15ni
        ST3004-NI 0 $172.00
        Zebra Zebra Technologies - Zebra
        Handheld battery (standard) - with PowerPrecision Plus and BLE beacon - lithium ion - 4400 mAh - for Device Tracker
        BTRY-NGTC5TC7-44MABLE-01 120 $121.00
        Zebra Zebra Technologies - Zebra
        Handheld battery - lithium ion - 4150 mAh - spare - for Zebra TC52-HC, TC52x-HC
        BTRY-TC5X-BTBCN4HC-01 752 $117.00
        Zebra Zebra Technologies - Zebra
        Handheld battery (standard) - PowerPrecision Plus, without Device Tracker - lithium ion - 4400 mAh - for Zebra TC53, TC58, TC58 Premium
        BTRY-NGTC5TC7-44MA-01 0 $95.00
        Zebra Zebra Technologies - Zebra
        Handheld battery - wireless charging with PowerPrecision Plus - lithium ion - 4400 mAh - for P/N: CRD-TC58-WCVC-01
        BTRY-NGTC5TC7-44MAWC-01 31 $117.00
        Zebra Zebra Technologies - Zebra
        Handheld battery (extended capacity) - with PowerPrecision Plus - lithium ion - 6600 mAh - for Zebra TC53, TC58, TC58 Premium
        BTRY-NGTC5TC7-66MA-01 0 $133.00
        Zebra Zebra Technologies - Zebra
        Healthcare - handheld battery - lithium ion - 3300 mAh - for Zebra TC21-HC, TC26-HC
        BTRY-TC2W-1XMA1-01 49 $85.00
        Zebra Zebra Technologies - Zebra
        Handheld battery - lithium ion - 1300 mAh - for Zebra WS50
        BTRY-WS5X-13MA-01 23 $100.00
        Zebra Zebra Technologies - Zebra
        Handheld battery (extended) - lithium ion - 735 mAh (pack of 10) - for Zebra RS5100
        BTRY-RS51-7MA-10 33 $760.00
        Zebra PowerPrecision Zebra Technologies - Zebra PowerPrecision
        Handheld battery - lithium ion - 4120 mAh - for Zebra EC50, EC55
        BTRY-EC5X-EX1-01 0 $85.00
        Zebra Zebra Technologies - Zebra
        Handheld battery (extended) - lithium ion - 735 mAh - for Zebra RS5100
        BTRY-RS51-7MA-01 714 $82.00
        Zebra PowerPrecision Zebra Technologies - Zebra PowerPrecision
        Handheld battery - lithium ion - 3060 mAh - for Zebra EC50, EC55
        BTRY-EC5X-ST1-01 0 $66.00